TCS London Marathon place


Every year hundreds of thousands would-be London Marathon runners are turned away for lack of space, such is the popularity of this, Britain's biggest participatory sporting event.

The TCS London Marathon is also the world's biggest one-day fundraising event for charities - it raises more than £60 million every year - thanks to the Golden Bond scheme developed by the Marathon for charities and rejected runners.

Under this scheme, charities can buy guaranteed places and offer them to runners who miss out on a place in return for a commitment to raise a four-figure sum, known as a "pledge". Pledges among CRunCH charities for the 2020 Marathon range from £1,250 to £2,500; the most popular figure is £1,500.

Most people enter the Public Ballot and hope for the best. Nearly 500,000 people applied for the 2024 Marathon, fewer than 5% of whom were successful.

We advise a twin-track approach: enter the Ballot, which opens immediately after each year's race, and use the CRunCH site to apply for a guaranteed place with one of our charities. Inevitably, some charities fill their places more quickly than others; if your favoured cause is full, we may be able to offer you a place on a waiting list - or an alternative cause to run for. But you will need to commit to raising the pledged minimum so the sooner you start the process, the better. First though, please see YOUR PLEDGE

If you are fortunate enough to have a guaranteed place already, and are looking for a charity to run for, please see OWN PLACE.

Get A Place Today!