Frequently asked


What is the Public Ballot?
What is a Golden Bond?
I'm not resident in the UK: can I apply for a Golden Bond place?
What is a registration fee?
Is the registration fee refundable?
Why do some registration fees refer to VAT?
What happens to my Registration Fee if I get a Ballot place?
What is Gift Aid?
Who does not qualify for Gift Aid?
Can I claim Gift Aid on money I have collected from others and then loaded onto my e-giving site in my name?
Can I count Gift Aid towards my Pledge?
Can I claim Gift Aid on my registration fee when I pay it?
Can I have collecting tins for a street collection?
Can I have some headed paper from my charity to make my appeals look more “official”?
How do I deal with cash or cheques payable to me, rather than the charity?
I am planning to organise a raffle as part of my fundraising - is that OK?
What use is made of the information I have supplied about myself?